Top 17 Lame Jokes

#1 When do jokes become dad jokes?
     When they become apparent.

#2 What do you call the security outside of a Samsung Store?
     Guardians of the Galaxy.

#3 What do you call a snake that's exactly 3.14 meters long?
     A pi-thon.

#4 What do we call a crying sister?
     A crisis.

#5 I have a lot of good jokes about unemployed people...
     But none of them work.

#6 Which is the coldest letter in alphabet?
     B because it is in the middle of AC.

#7 What should you do, if you get locked out of your house?
     Talk to the lock, because communication is key.

#8 Why was the stadium so cold?
     Because there were a lot of fans.

#9 What do you call a bee that was born is the United States?
     A USB.

#10 What are the strongest days of the week?
       Saturday and Sunday the rest are week days.

#11 Why do shoemakers go to heaven?
       Because they have good soles.

#12 Why are math books always sad?
       Because they are filled with problems.

#13 Why didn't the bullet get a job?
       Because he kept getting fired!

#14 Where do animals go when their tails fall off?
       The retail store.

#15 What kind of music is a balloon scared of?
       Pop music.

#16 Why can't a bike stand up on it's own?
       Because it's two tired.

#17 Why can't you trust trees?
       Because they are shady.


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