10 Fun Food Facts You Wont Believe Are True

#1 The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000 dollars.

The most expensive pizza in the world is $12,000 dollars.

That’s because it takes 72 hours to make, and it can only be made in your home by 3 Italian chefs.

The pizza is topped with 3 types of caviar, bufala mozzarella, lobster from Norway and Cilento, and pink Australian sea salt.

#2 Fruit flavored snacks shine because of car wax.

Fruit flavored snacks shine because of car wax.

Yep, the same wax that is used on cars, carnauba wax, is the same type of wax that is used to give gummy candy a glossy sheen.

Not sure how I feel about that!

#3 Ketchup used to be used as a medicine.

Ketchup used to be used as a medicine.

Back in the early 1800’s, people thought tomatoes had medicinal qualities.

One doctor claimed they could treat diarrhea and indigestion, so he made a recipe for a type of tomato ketchup which then became a pill.

#4 White chocolate isn’t chocolate.

White chocolate isn’t chocolate.

Its name is deceiving, because white chocolate doesn’t have any components of regular chocolate.

It’s really just a mixture of sugar, milk, vanilla, lecithin, and cocoa butter.

#5 Peppers don’t actually burn your mouth.

Peppers don’t actually burn your mouth.

There’s a chemical in chili peppers called capsaicin that tricks your mouth to feeling like it’s being burned – that’s why spicy foods hurts.

The pain is all in your head!

#6 Russia took a long time to classify beer as being alcoholic.

Russia took a long time to classify beer as being alcoholic.

Until 2013, beer and other alcohol under 10% ABV was classified as a soft drink!

Until then, and even still today, it was common for people to drink beer in the streets and parks as commonly as you would see soda.

#7 Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.

In fact, it’s stolen so much it has its own percentage! About 4% of all cheese made around the globe ends up stolen.

There’s even a black market for cheese!

#8 Chocolate has been used as a currency in Ancient civilizations of Mexico and South America.

Chocolate has been used as a currency in Ancient civilizations of Mexico and South America.

As the Aztecs started dominating Mesoamerica, they also loved cocoa beans which couldn’t be grown in their civilization.

They had to rely on the Mayans, and traded cocoa beans with them as a system of money.

Chocolate isn’t the weirdest thing that’s been used as currency in the past either… potato mashers?

#9 You can find peanuts in dynamite.

You can find peanuts in dynamite.

Peanuts have an oil which is used as an ingredient while making glycerol, which is a main component of nitroglycerin.

#10 Expiration dates on bottled water have nothing to do with the water.

Expiration dates on bottled water have nothing to do with the water.

Water can’t expire – but the bottle it’s in can. Plastic bottles will eventually start leaking chemicals into the water.

It won’t make the water harmful to drink, but it will make it taste less fresh.

You may also like these 10 health benefits of drinking water.
